We've asked for your stories of Akron Zips who’ve inspired others through their work, generosity or talents. Here we recognize them, and so many more, for their hard work and dedication.
Matthew Akers
Nominated by: Nicholas Nussen
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Dependable, diplomatic, diligent, conscientious, courteous — Dr. Matthew Akers is the very model of professionalism.
Edie Barnes
Nominated by: Annie Hanson Hilaire
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Edie Barnes is an unsung hero at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí. She retired as College Specialist in BCAS in December after 40 years of service. Edie always put students first & modeled exceptional customer service. Sometimes seen as a stickler for the rules, she enforced standards to make sure that every student was treated fairly & equally. Edie is considered a colleague & friend across campus and was always available to help work through a problem or take time to brighten your day. Thank you for being an inspiring Zip!
Angela Bilia
Nominated by: Julia Miller
Submission: Before coming to ¹ú²úÂ×Àí, I was never the best at writing. I have always struggled with putting my thoughts and ideas into an essay. After having Dr. Bilia for English Composition I and II, my writing skills have improved greatly. Dr. Bilia was always available to give advice and to provide help, whether it was during class or on her own time. On top of her always pushing me to do my best, Dr. Bilia was also a kind-hearted and fun professor! I looked forward to going to her class every week!
Kelly Bray
Nominated by: Julie Zhao
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Changing the culture for the better: Kelly is one of the co-workers I know at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí who has the most positive attitude towards all issues. She led by examples to motive students and colleagues who she works with. During the pandemic time, she led social media initiatives to share stories of our community services of students, faculty and staff, which inspired both internal and external audience. Faculty, students and staff members all enjoy working with her.
Mary Cooke
Nominated by: Vince Consiglio
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Mary Cooke is a true maverick of higher education, having excelled both as a student and staff member at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí, all while balancing the rigours of being a devoted mother, wife, and friend. She is relentless in her pursuit of knowledge and always looking for new and creative ways to serve ¹ú²úÂ×Àí students. Mary makes preparing students for the professional world her upmost priority every day. She leaves no stone unturned, and is an exceptional model of what it means to be a Zip.
Heidi Cressman
Nominated by: Julie Zhao
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Serving the community wholeheartedly: Heidi is a student-oriented educator who cares about student success and professional development. She applies research findings and best practices to student success. Heidi’s dedication to recruiting and retaining female engineering students has been recognized by ¹ú²úÂ×Àí, greater Akron community, Girl Scouts and Society of Women Engineers (SWE). The most attractive characteristic is Heidi’s work ethic and her sense of humor.
Edward Evans
Nominated by: Julie Zhao
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Serving the community wholeheartedly: Dr. Evans is inspiring! His dedication to student development and culture of service inspired me and other colleagues. I call Dr. Evans a great colleague to start any new initiative on student recruiting and student success. He has so many great ideas because he is such a student-centered educator. He has that natural skill to raise everybody up in this community.
Olayinka Famodu
Nominated by: Heidi Cressman
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: I been so inspired by Yinka! A member of ZPN, a resident assistant and a biomedical engineer, he strives each day to be an inspiration to others, whether he's teaching more students about the importance of financial literacy, building up other students who are struggling in math, organizing community activities to help kids with disabilities or setting a great example of a strong black man for other students, he touches so many with his positive energy, gratitude and dedication. Proud he is a Zip!
John Fellenstein
Nominated by: Annie Hanson Hilaire
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: John, also known as "Professor Polymer," always says yes to outreach activities! He is always ready to inspire children to pursue STEM fields, encourage them to be curious, ask questions, and do their best. John's work in the Akron Global Polymer Academy means that he hosts guests on campus through camps and field trips, or he takes his show on the road to schools across the region or even the Rubber Ducks stadium! Thank you, John, for being an inspiring Zip!
Autumn Frampton
Nominated by: Aiesha Motley
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Autumn Frampton is an advocate for social justice and for underrepresented students and marginalized populations. In her position as Associate Director in Multicultural Development she oversees our Peer Mentoring program as she assists students with connections and campus resources. As an academic advisor, she works with many students to support their educational endeavors. Having worked with Ms. Frampton for 8 years, I admire her dedication to student success. She is a tremendous asset.
Dimitria Gatzia
Nominated by: Chris Mobley
Submission: Dr. Gatzia always makes an effort to create a learning environment that is open to differing views and accepting of other positions. Furthermore, she has an incredible knowledge of a wide range of topics allowing for spectacular interdisciplinary insight into the various topics that she teaches. She is also always willing to make time for her students and encourages them to fulfill their potential. For those reasons, she is a Zip whoinspires.
Kim Gentile
Nominated by: Annie Hanson Hilaire
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Kim Gentile is an inspiring Zip who oozes blue and gold in everything she does. As the Director of Admissions, she is our most enthusiastic cheerleader, making sure that every prospective student is well cared for in their journey to select a best-fit institution. I am grateful that Kim is often the first person that a future Zip meets. She sets the standard for the rest of campus: be kind, welcoming, and helpful to all!
Doug Hausknecht
Nominated by: Ali Doehring
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Dr. Hausknecht [Dr. Doug] has been an influential professor and colleague to so many at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí. My fondest memory of Dr. Doug was working alongside him and students to establish a memorial service event in 2017. Dr. Doug's leadership provided an outlet for us to organize an inspirational opportunity that brought together our community after tragedy. Thanks to Dr. Doug's commitment, our campus has continued this legacy by establishing ¹ú²úÂ×Àí Day of Remembrance and the Husein-Unternaher Service Event.
Greta Johnson
Nominated by: Andrew Barry
Submission: Greta Johnson is a true community servant. Working in public service since graduating (3x) from ¹ú²úÂ×Àí, she now serves as Assistant Chief of Staff for County Executive Shapiro. Greta has inspired me by showing how a law degree can lead to an amazing career in public service. Greta has been a hero to our community throughout the pandemic. From coordinating PPE distribution to helping people access essential services, Greta’s hard work has made a difference in the lives of countless residents.
Carl Johnson
Nominated by: Heidi Cressman
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Carl inspires me because he never gives up! An Akron Public School graduate, Carl decided to come to the The University of Akron to study engineering. It has not been easy. What I think qualifies Carl for this award is his very realistic view of what it takes to succeed and his willingness to always try harder and to improve. He takes responsibility and he works hard to get advice and find resources in order to do better. I have never met a harder worker or a more dedicated Zip!
George Knepper
Nominated by: Lynne McNeal
Submission: I attended ¹ú²úÂ×Àí when non-traditional students were few and far between. Dr. Knepper included me and other older students in a way that made me feel valued and at home. His passion for history made every class come alive and helped me to understand history and my place in it. He was amazing! Despite his tremendous contributions to the community, his genuine humility shone in the way he shared his knowledge and encouraged his students to thrive. He was the ¹ú²úÂ×Àí difference. Thank you, Dr. Knepper!
Willy Kollman
Nominated by: Zach Michel
Submission: When I think about ¹ú²úÂ×Àí, I think about Willy Kollman! A guy who is a mentor and friend, someone who opened up endless opportunities, and one who pushed me to take on challenges. Willy will do anything and everything for ¹ú²úÂ×Àí. I cannot imagine my ¹ú²úÂ×Àí experience or the University without Willy! #ForeveraZip
Kristine Kraft
Nominated by: Madison Murphy
Submission: Dr. Kraft is a phenomenal professor. She's very accommodating and caring to students' personal situations and does her best to help each student. She checks in with in us, not only to remind us about assignments, but also to simply ask how our week is going. Since I don't have family near me here in Akron, it means a lot knowing that she checks in and genuinely wants to see us succeed. She answers emails quickly and is very helpful when I have a question about school or my major. She is great!
Wendy Lampner
Nominated by: Timothy McCarragher
Submission: In the midst of a pandemic, Design and Development Services had to assist an entire university to transition to an online format - literally hundreds of classes.
Wendy Lampner and her team did an AMAZING job with this challenge. I was so impressed with the feedback I heard from both FT and PT faculty.Wendy and her staff were patient, supportive, available, and somehow managed to help all those that needed help. The entire university is grateful for her efforts.
LeJeune March
Nominated by: Susan Hanlon
Submission: LeJeune does many things to create a welcoming and inclusive sense of community within the College of Business. She does things like arrange virtual baby showers for staff members. Also, during the past several months we have had two administrative assistant positions vacant and she willingly has taken on covering for those departments and getting others to help also. She is always kind and creates a great "face" of the college across campus and to external partners.
Fred Martin
Nominated by: Jason Sanders
Submission: Fred has continued the Martin Family legacy of promoting environmental education & research through support of the ¹ú²úÂ×Àí Field Station. This support grew the Field Station into a center of learning not only for ¹ú²úÂ×Àí Biology majors, but K-12 students throughout NE Ohio. Often a trip to the Field Station can be a child's first interaction with nature. Fred & the Martin family have allowed ¹ú²úÂ×ÀíFS to continue to offer environmental education programs to ensure a future filled with nature enthusiasts.
Nicholas McFadden
Nominated by: Heidi Cressman
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Nick is an inspiration to me for his can-do attitude! A student of the highest standard, he inspires high school students as a coach in Speech and Debate while serving in various roles on campus and holding tow other jobs! He is on ZTV as the host of the show "Goofing Off." He also serves as Finance Director for USG creating campuswide programs for all students and has been known to help hide Easter Eggs on campus for engineering students just to be kind. He is an inspiring student leader!
Teresa Miller
Nominated by: Kim Cole
Submission: Teresa cares deeply about the students at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí and wants each and every one to have a memorable Akron experience. I don't know anyone who works as hard as she does. She's always been that way and she takes great pride and ownership in her Residence Hall areas looking their best, cleanest and safest. Teresa sees campus as comfort and home for students, and wants the best for them. She is dedicated to her work and takes seriously her role on campus.
Toni "Tyga" Montgomery
Nominated by: Annie Hanson Hilaire
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Toni the Tyga is an inspiration to every LeBron James Family Foundation student in the Akron Public Schools! She is the champion and advocate for high school students who dream of graduating and pursuing a degree at the University of Akron. Tyga works closely with students on academics, professional skills, and goal setting. She is walking alongside the class of 2021 as they apply to ¹ú²úÂ×Àí for the first time. Be sure to visit her at the I Promise Institute at Infocision this fall.
Tiffanie Nevins
Nominated by: Sarah Starnes
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Tiffanie has been a constant presence in the law school's library throughout the entire pandemic, showing up every day and being an incredible support system for her student workers. She is willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the library stays functioning and open for students who need help.
Nick Nussen
Nominated by: Sarah Steidl
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: As a writer for University Communications & Marketing, Nick Nussen expertly and creatively tells the stories of inspiring Akron Zips. His work illustrates the opportunities available to all motivated Zips and provides a window into the lives of the people who make ¹ú²úÂ×Àí an invaluable institution to our region. For all his storytelling, Nick himself is truly a Zip who inspires. He is a master at his craft, meticulous in his work, reliable as a colleague and committed to excellence in all he does.
Andy Platt
Nominated by: Susan Hanlon
Submission: Andy is a super alumni. He is a proud and successful alum who has been giving back to the College since his graduation in 1977. He volunteers, supports with generous gifts and is just a great cheerleader. Andy is currently an executive in residence and in that capacity assists with honors projects, serves as an MBA mentor and assists in other ways with our professional development program. Andy is passionate about the success of the College and the University.
Jade Reese
Nominated by: Julie Zhao
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Name a student who inspired you with their perseverance in or out of the classroom: Immediately, Jade Reese came to my mind. Jade is a star! She has solid background in engineering, math and science and has demonstrated great performance. She was the President of Engineering Student Design Team and led the team for community services. When serving the college's tutoring program as the head tutor, her dedication to student success helps change the culture for the better. She is the model student!
Lisa Ritenour
Nominated by: Alma Olson
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: I have worked with Lisa for many years, starting before we both landed at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí. I was her supervisor, and now she is mine. For years she has been a dedicated and talented Nurse Practitioner, and has been a great caregiver and resource for our students, faculty and staff. She is now an equally dedicated supervisor and advocate for the Health Services colleagues. Most impressively, she has taken on the responsibility of leadership through the COVID pandemic. She deserves a big thank you.
Nuwoo Smith
Nominated by: Heidi Lehnert-Cressman
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Escaping political strife in his country with just clothes on his back, Nuwoo and siblings arrived in the U.S. as a product of a refugee camp in Africa. Nuwoo began at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí when his brother dropped him off outside of Simmons Hall with no money in his pockets. Poor, he would attend campus events just to eat and picked his major by reading flyers in Simmons Hall. He is an amazing role model because even with such obstacles, he graduated in engineering, leads a beautiful life, and gives back to ¹ú²úÂ×Àí!
Eric Sotnak
Nominated by: Chris Mobley
Submission: Dr. Sotnak always finds a way to explain complex topics in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. He is always open to different perspectives and works to create an environment where learning is both enjoyable and rewarding. In addition to this, he always has a a great attitude and is very passionate about what he teaches, making him an exceptional Zip.
Sarah Steidl
Nominated by: Jennifer Sera
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Sarah's continuous support, encouragement and guidance has helped me reach many professional milestones. Her ideas and insights make it much easier to proceed in the right direction and complete projects successfully. My admiration and respect for her grows each day and I can't thank her enough for making my work life easier.
James Steiger
Nominated by: Julia Saxon
Submission: Dr. Steiger is what every professor aims to be. He has done an incredible job as school director and as a mentor. He believes in every one of his students even when they do not believe in themselves, myself included. I was a reluctant SLP major and he helped me uncover a great passion for audiology and research. He has been a great support in my journey through applying to graduate school and in my current doctoral program at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí. I would not be here without his constant encouragement and humor.
Chris Stimler
Nominated by: Matt Lumpp
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: I cannot imagine my ¹ú²úÂ×Àí experience without the guidance and support from Chris Stimler. Chris was, and has continued to be , a wonderful role model for the greater Akron community. During my collegiate experience, Chris was an excellent supervisor and mentor in my time with Residence Life and Housing. Because of Chris, I was able to see my potential in working in higher education. I am very thankful to have an inspirational friend and colleague like Chris here at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí. Go Zips!
Teresa Strong-Good
Nominated by: Alison Doehring
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: When I reflect on my time at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí and leader who I have aspired to emulate, Teresa Strong-Good is the woman who always comes to mind. I met Teresa upon joining Alpha Delta Pi sorority in 2004 and was honored to have worked closely with her as a student leader. Teresa's poised demeanor and mentorship played a significant role in my life during such pivotal development years and led me to pursue higher education. Teresa is a proud ¹ú²úÂ×Àí alumni, distinguished ADPi and a positive influence to so many.
Veronica Tomasko
Nominated by: Insun Park
Submission: Aside from working hard in class, Veronica stood out from others for her empathy and care for people. She devoted much effort to the betterment of the ¹ú²úÂ×Àí community by serving in Undergrad Student Government, Mobilizing Our Branches Committee, and Campus Cupboard. Her passion for social justice is not limited to the campus. She worked in the Victim Assistance Program and hopes to become a legal professional to assist more people in need. I believe she will continue to inspire people around her.
Peggy Walchalk
Nominated by: Michele Novachek
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Peggy Walchalk is inspiring! She has been a member of SEAC off an on throughout her 29 years of service at ¹ú²úÂ×Àí, represents Akron as an officer of OSCHE, and is a member of the Women's Club, where she offers her talent for creative writing and design, sharing a beautifully crafted newsletter. Her commitment extends to our City of Akron community through her continued involvement and love of the Akron Zoo. She's a kind and caring champion for all that is Akron! A real class act!
Jessica Wallis
Nominated by: Angelina Futherford
Submission: Jessica Wallis's love for her community inspired her to start an organization that serves her city and cities across the nation. Jessica started Ballet in the City, an organization that brings professional dancers into cities that would not usually see such prestigious performers. She saw a need for this in her city of Cuyahoga Falls, so through her organization, she has worked with renowned dancers to bring educational and performance opportunities to her own community and beyond.
Lindsay White
Nominated by: Heidi Cressman
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Lindsay currently leads Engineering Service Design Team and I am nominating her because of her passion for the work that the team does. Outside of her engineering academics, Lindsay helps nonprofits in the community and individuals solve some of their biggest engineering challenges, and she does it well! She leads the entire team and also manages a small team that built a bike stand that will allow an avid bicyclist and Parkinson's patient to be able to ride again. She inspires!
Katey Yinger
Nominated by: Kelly Bray
Staff / Contract Professional
Submission: Katey makes everyone's lives easier! She is truly the best. She is an excellent taskmaster, always meets deadlines and juggles a lot in her role. She also brings a ton of creativity to a role many might see as being purely administrative. She is the friendly face of our office and leads with grace, humor and candor. Students, faculty, her office mates all love her. She is open to new ideas and only wants the best for students and colleagues.
Aleer Yol
Nominated by: Chrys Wesdemiotis
Submission: Aleer came to the US as a 19-year refugee without parents, from Sudan. He mastered school, college, graduate school (in my group), and postdoctoral fellowship and now works for Avery Dennison, here in Ohio. He showed that no hardship is difficult to overcome and excel. With hard work, optimism, and humility. A truly inspiring ZIP.