
First local model African Union Symposium to take place this October


Simulation of African Union Comes to ¹ú²úÂ×Àí

The Model African Union Program provides a unique opportunity for university and college students and faculty to study Africa and the African Union. Scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 27, the model begins at 9 a.m. in the Student Union Ballroom and continues throughout the day, until 7:30 p.m.

The model aims at highlighting economic, social and political-security issues facing the African continent; generates understanding of the multi-various determinants, capabilities and constraints shaping the foreign policies of Member States of the African Union; demonstrates the need for effective diplomatic and collaborative socio-economic and military strategies in crisis intervention; and addresses the role and performance of the African Union.

Participation Open to Campus

Interested participants should contact Professor Enoch Damson at damson@uakron.edu or Dr. Rosa Githiora at rmg25@uakron.edu. Participation is open to both students and faculty.

In addition to day-long activities, Guest of Honor, Ambassador Amina Salum Ali, the first and permanent female representative of the African Union to the U.S., will provide an address from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Student Union Ballroom.

The events are sponsored by the Office of the President, Vice President and Chief of Staff, Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, Office of the Vice President for Student Engagement and Success, Women's Resource Center, African Students Association, the Office of Inclusion and Equity, Pan African Studies Program and the Office of International Programs.