
Installation of Software for Personal Use on University Workstations


ITS would like to remind everyone about downloading and installing software on their University owned workstations.  Most software, even free software, has Terms of Use and/or End User Licensing Agreements (EULA) associated with them that outline the rules for using the software.   

ITS strongly recommends that users have the Office of General Counsel (OGC) review the Terms of Use/EULA of the software before it is downloaded and installed to ensure that the user and the University remain compliant with the terms. 


The approval of the Terms of Use/EULA by the OGC protect users from violating University Rule 3359-11-10 – Access and Acceptable Use of University Computer and Informational Resources. 

We also recommend checking with ITS to see if we are already licensed for the software you are interested in or a similar product that would be supported by ITS,  softwarelicensing@uakron.edu .