Biological Waste
that fall under the categories regulated by the Ohio EPA – Division of Materials and Waste Management (DMWM), are termed "infectious waste". Infectious waste is placed in red, labeled biohazard bags or in sharps containers. Some of these items are rendered non-infectious () before they are collected for disposal by an EOHS member. All infectious waste must be appropriately packaged and picked-up by a licensed . Infectious waste items have a set time period allowable before being picked-up for disposal. This is why infectious waste must be dealt with in a timely manner. The University of Akron is listed as a large generator of infectious waste and holds an Ohio EPA certification to treat infectious waste in our Microbiology instructional lab. The treatment area is restricted and inspected quarterly by the State. ¹ú²úÂ×Àí is no longer approved to treat waste. Autoclave can be used to sterilize but cannot be used to treat waste. ALL waste must be disposed of as infectious.